Monday, March 31, 2008

As defined by Cassidy

'Porquez - Spanglish for "because".

Cruella De Vil

The idea of introducing my daughter to my favorite, classic Disney movie "101 Dalmations" has back fired on me. We have watched it at least 50 times and well, in just a couple of weeks I have gone from being "the greatest Mommy ever" to Cruella De Vil. Today while I was tirelessly putting Cassidy down for her afternoon nap, she was joyfully putting (and playing with) 'Lucky' and 'Penny' (her two stuffed animal puppies) to sleep as well. After many, many, many minutes I said I was going to take the puppies with me if she continued to play with them and not go to sleep. Cassidy asked, "Why Mom? 'porquez you are Curella De Vil?" I answered, "No, Cass, because they're tired too." She replied, "No Mom. If you take Lucky and Penny than you are Cruella De Vil." Cassidy than laid down on the pillow she shared with her puppies and was quiet. After a couple of minutes, she looked up at me as she tightly squeezed Lucky and Penny, and whispered, "Cruella, Cruella, Curella."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cassidy's Cupcakes

Today we made dinner for a couple in our ward with a new baby. While I was deciding what to make them I asked out loud, "What should I bring for dessert?" Cassidy cheered, "Cupcakes, Mommy, cupcakes! I'll make spr-eeen-kle cupcakes for the new baby." So....... that she did. Cassidy and I made cupcakes and she spent an hour frosting and spreading sprinkles all of each cupcake and our entire kitchen floor. The best...... she wanted to come with me to drop them off and when Cassidy saw the new baby, she said right on cue, (although honestly, without one at all) "She (who happened to be a 'he') is daaahling. Gag-u-latulations!"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Christmas 2007

Sisterly Love

Aside from torturing Matty, i.e., waking him up from a deep sleep or 'over-rubbing' his head just because it's there, Cassidy does love her brother. One of her favorite things she likes to say to him is, "Good and strong, good and strong. It's OK Bra-der, you'll be big in no time!"

The Name is Mattingly

Poor Mattingly, our darling boy may never know his real name. His parents call him "Baby Brother" and Cassidy calls him 'coo-she-coo, coo-she-coo'.

Bedtime with Cassidy....

Cassidy's imagination gets the best of her, expecially at night when she talks to Dad about her day. Last night, we found a spider on her wall and Dad had to get it and "set it free". Cassidy asked where he put it and Dad said he took it outside because that's where spiders live. Cassidy replied, "I am going to open the window, strap on my wings, fly down to the spider and say, "Hi Charlotte, l-ee-tle (little) spider, l-ee-tle spider".

Cassidy speaks again.... about Mom!

" I want to be just like Mom. I want to paint my nails red. 'member Mom went to Silk and got her nails painted. I want to go to Silk too."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cassidy Speaks...

"You're the greatest mommy EVER." Wait until she's 16!